Goblin - Empyrium - W8 - P38
Monday 9pm - 12am EST
About Us
"The Black Lotus free company is happy to announce Atlas, Ishgard's premiere seafood restaurant. This restaurant is the passion project of Sylvas Vex, a Viera with a love of all things fine dining around Eorzea. The goal at Atlas is to provide the best dining experience possible for our customers and ensure they always leave looking forward to their next visit."
Atlas is an RP venue that welcomes new and veteran role-players alike. The main goal here is to go above and beyond providing an experience that mirrors a real life restaurant as much as possible. Customer feedback is always accepted and appreciated, this is our main way of improving what we do. You'll find our rules below.Also, please feel free to join our Discord if you would like to get updates on any events or special promotions happening at the venue!
1. Be respectful of the staff and your fellow patrons. Harassment and troll-like behavior will absolutely not be tolerated, even if it is 'in-character', consent is important in RP.
2. All gil prices listed on the menu is in-game gil.
3. Weapons and pets are not allowed in the restaurant.
4. We ask that you remain in-character for the duration of your stay, and keep OOC speech out of public chat as much as possible.
5. Only the bard is permitted on the stage, please be respectful of his space.
6. We ask that you refrain from any sort of spam, glitching the venue, or anything else that could be disruptive to our staff or our guests.
7. If you see or hear anything that feels off, please notify the owners or a staff member.
8. Please dress appropriately, no nudity or overly-skimpy outfits that would break the immersion of the restaurant.
9. We do not have public Wifi at Atlas.
10. Atlas is a SFW RP venue.


Name: Sylvas Vex
Age: 33
Race: Rava Viera
Atlas Role: Owner
RP/ Style: SFW RP, WU/T anytime. Anything from para-RP to one-liner conversations, I'm flexible!
Personality: Sylvas is a very sociable Viera, owing a lot of where she is in her life to her connections and her friends. Starting nearly three years ago as a humble waitress, she quickly rose to the position she's in now, owning and operating a restaurant of her very own. You'll find Sylvas very easy to get along with. She's kind, caring, hard-working, loyal, and values her friends above all else. She doesn't shy away from conversation, so don't be afraid to introduce yourself!

Name: Ghalaxia Wild
Age: 73
Race: Rava Viera
Gender/Pronoun: She/Her
Atlas Role: Manager and server
RP Style: Casual
Personality: Kind, Serious and passionate.
About Me: Shy at first, Ghally can let out beautiful colours once you get to know her. She always cares about her surroundings and always tries to see the best in everyone. Don't be afraid to say Hello. She will always give back a wonderful smile.
Front Desk

Name: Nyrasil/Nyra Liadune
Age: 28
Race: Half Raen/ Half Dravanian
Atlas Role: Greeter/Security
Other occupations: Entry-to-Mid Level Smith, Miner in Training
Personality: Nyra is an energetic gal, with some surprising wisdom and maturity. She was, and is a caretaker to an extreme degree, but has learned over recent years to put her own needs forward, some of the time. She is a retired adventurer and is enjoying a quieter life working as a bouncer, smith, and miner. She's fiercely affectionate, honest, and will be a friend for anyone in need. Within reason, she's got two full-time jobs after all! She's happily dating her girlfriend Bree, but will strike up some flirty conversation with the right gal.

Name: Eleri Lancaster
Age: 28
Race: Miqo'te though she denies it
Atlas Role: Hostess
Other occupations: Security at Pawprints Pub and aspiring photographer
RP Style: SFW, WU/T, Flexible to one liners or descriptive paragraphs
Personality: Eleri is a strong willed Miqo'te with a passion for photography. She's a pure hearted girl whose blunt nature makes it difficult to make friends sometimes. However if she makes a strong connection then she proves her worth in loyalty to them. Prideful and stubborn she can become a handful especially when you find yourself a target of her quick wit. Lack of travel has made her naive to many things but she tries her best to understand the world she lives in. Just keep your eye on her because idle hands make for mischief and she'll toss foot wear aside any chance she gets.

Name: Hash Morgan (Dva/Lumi)
Age: 128
Race: Miqo'te
Atlas Role: Hostess
Other occupations: Server at For Pet's Sake
RP Style: Flexible, Only SFW RP
Personality: Hash, a foreigner in a foreign land. Originally from the New World, travels all across Eorzea to learn of it's many cultures Lumi. is sweet, passionate and a free-spirited soul.

Name: Ghalaxia Wild
Age: 73
Race: Rava Viera
Gender/Pronoun: She/Her
Atlas Role: Manager and server
RP Style: Casual
Personality: Kind, Serious and passionate.
About Me: Shy at first, Ghally can let out beautiful colours once you get to know her. She always cares about her surroundings and always tries to see the best in everyone. Don't be afraid to say Hello. She will always give back a wonderful smile.

Name: Xyvett Tia
Age: Early 30's
Race: Viera
Atlas Role: Bartender and server
RP Style: A few sentences, or a paragraph, flexible to match
Personality: Confidence is not in short supply with this one. Xyvett is a freindly, hopeless flirt who only wants to see more happiness spread around her. She's always looking to lend a helping hand where she can, and is usually found traveling far and wide while still making it home to her loved ones in time for dinner.
Our Bard

Name: Sindryth Aestruna
Age: Unclear. He seems adult, just shy of middle aged but he's an Elezen and they always look fabulous.
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Atlas Role: Bard
Other Occupations: House Bard at Bees Knees Pastaria, Midnight Echoes, Violet's Repose, and The Dark Forest Cafe. Resident DJ at Black Velvet and The Forsaken Grove. Musician and Bodyguard for hire.
RP Style: SFW, Story RP, always IC 100% of the time.
Personality: Grumpy tsundere Elezen, fiercely loyal to friends and family. Stony and reserved, he can seem difficult to approach and conversation can be tricky due to his reserved nature making him very hard to read. Sarcastic and willing to mock most people and things whether he likes them or not. It's probably good natured, right guys? Right...? ....guys?

Name: Cheryll Halifax
Age: mid-20s
Race: Hyur
Atlas Role: Bartender
Other occupations: Scribe & Business services
RP Style: Matching- starting with sentence length and adjusting to match the other person’s style.
Personality: Bubbly and easily excitable!

Name: Phoenix Teraldan
Age: 6,501
Race: Miqo'te
Atlas Role: Bartender
Other occupations: Bartender at Sea Dragon and Kitsune Haven, Server at The Dark Forest
RP Style: Flexible, only NSFW if an emotional connection has been formed IC
Personality: Kind and caring despite how she was treated by mortals as a hatchling. Still decently new to mortal ways, she may get confused depending on what is said or brought up in conversation, however being an Archon and teaching in Sharlayan during the week, she is always open and ready to learn new things!

Name: Y'shaya (Shay) Stillwater
Age: 22
Race: Miqo'te
Atlas Role: Bartender
RP Style: Flexible!
Personality: Shay's new in town and a country girl at heart. She's outgoing, kind-hearted, spunky, and a bit naïve. She's quick to strike up a conversation and always eager to make a new friend!

Name: Azumi Hayashi
Age: 25
Race: Dragon, appears as an Au'ra
Atlas Role: Head Chef
Other Occupations: Freelance Free Diver/Spearfisher, mother.
RP Style: Mostly SFW :) - Prefers conversational/short sentences, but can flex!
Personality: Azumi may come across as shy or distant with strangers, but if you get to know her, she can be very warm and talkative! She is very polite to everyone and always puts others before herself. Growing up in Sui-no-Sato, she is uniquely adept at spearfishing and swimming, as well as all things regarding the preparation of fish. Outside the kitchen, if she's not hanging around with her dragon kin in Dravania, she can be found deep in a book or with her wife!